Buon giorno!!!
Stamane mi son svegliata molto presto, grazie ad una delle mie micie che si è autoproclamata "sveglia vivente"!
L'unico problema è che mi sveglia quando LEI preferisce e ciò significa che non ha orari!!! O.o
Comunque, la mia mente stamani ha iniziato a pensare, pensare e pensareeee...come avrete potuto vedere sto riempiendo il mio blog di illustrazioni digitali riguardanti i "visi dal mondo", fin'ora ho rappresentato:
- l'Afganistan;
- l'Africa;
- il Perù;
- il Giappone;
- il Tibet;
- e sto lavorando sull' India.
e mi stavo chiedendo:
"voi, quale viso di quale nazione o paese vorreste veder illustrato?"
Scrivetemelo se volete nei commenti sottostanti e sarò lieta di provare! :)
Ho tradotto quest'idea anche in inglese usando google quindi se ci sono errori chiedo venia!
Good morning!
This morning I woke very early, thanks to one of my cats who are self-proclaimed"Wake Up Living"!
The only problem is that it wakes me up when YOU like and that means that no time!O.o
However, this morning my mind started to think, think and pensareeee ... as you could see I'm filling my blog about the digital illustrations of "faces from the world", yet I have represented:
- Afghanistan;
- Africa;
- Peru;
- Japan;
- Tibet;
- And I'm working on 'India.
and I was wondering:
"you, what face of what nation or country would like to see illustrated?"
Write it if you want in the comments below and I'll be glad to try! :)
This morning I woke very early, thanks to one of my cats who are self-proclaimed"Wake Up Living"!
The only problem is that it wakes me up when YOU like and that means that no time!O.o
However, this morning my mind started to think, think and pensareeee ... as you could see I'm filling my blog about the digital illustrations of "faces from the world", yet I have represented:
- Afghanistan;
- Africa;
- Peru;
- Japan;
- Tibet;
- And I'm working on 'India.
and I was wondering:
"you, what face of what nation or country would like to see illustrated?"
Write it if you want in the comments below and I'll be glad to try! :)